Birthday Night
Birthday Night is our monthly celebration of sobriety. Join us for an informal potluck followed by a chip celebration where we celebrate monthly and annual increments of sobriety. While monthly chips can be distributed at regular meetings, this is the only group event where annual chips are distributed.
Birthday night is on the last Saturday of every month
6:00pm Potluck dinner – ​​Members bring entrees, side dishes, and desserts​
7:00pm Sobriety milestone celebration – Monthly and annual chips distributed
Group Conscience
Group Conscience is a monthly meeting where members of the Lake Highlands Group come together to discuss group business, raise issues, and/or propose ideas. The meeting is led by an elected committee of trusted servants, but anyone is welcome to join and participate in the meeting. To learn more, visit the Group Conscience section of this website.
Group Conscience is on the 3rd Sunday of every month at 2:15pm
Motions can be submitted via the Motion Submission page of this website or on the bulletin boards in our meeting room.
Submitted motions are posted in the Motion List page on this website and in the bulletin board in our meeting room.
Motions must me submitted seven days before the meeting.